The Slope Stability Symposium 2024 is going to be held from 14th to 19th of April in Nova Lima, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The SS2024 is organized by the Brazilian Geotechnical Society (ABMS) and supported by Large Open Pit Project group. The main theme for the symposium is “Slopes of the Future.”
This conference aims to bring together engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, and practitioners, with the purpose of generating a forum for discussion, knowledge exchange, networking and dissemination of the best engineering practices in different geotechnical issues related to slope stability for open pit and correlated infrastructure.
The program is currently being developed and will include keynote presentations from academic and industry thought leaders, workshops, booth, short courses, parallel meetings, social events, committees and tours.
The official language of the SS2024 is English but there will be simultaneous translation into Portuguese.
Fundação Dom Cabral
FDC - Fundação Dom Cabral - Campus Aloysio Faria
Av. Princesa Diana, 760 - Alphaville Lagoa dos Ingleses, Nova Lima - MG, 34018-006