International Slope Stability 2024 - Symposium





Began working in April 1974.

Regarding experience in geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, only the types of activities in the companies where he worked for longer periods were listed: Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo (IPT – USP), Figueiredo Ferraz (Consultancy and Projects), and Vale (Mining).

He did not mention Tecnosolo (Consultancy and Projects) and Arafertil (Mining) because his time in those companies was short, only 3 months.

Since the focus is on mining slopes, he only listed the main works he was involved in, where he worked on 33 Open Pit mines in slope stability assessment, design, and sizing of slopes, and monitoring of excavations.

He did not list works in underground mines (coal, gold, emerald, zinc) nor in civil engineering (dams, tunnels, railways and roads, subway (SP, RJ, Lisbon), etc.).

The first systematic work on slope stability in mining that he is aware of concerns the rupture of the West Slope in 1970 at the Cauê mine, which was elaborated by Geols. Paulo Abrão (Geotechnics) and Jose Maria S. Ramos (Vale), published at the IAEG Congress 1974, Brazil.

Later, Geol Paulo Abrão conducted stability studies at the manganese mine, Morro da Mina in Conselheiro Lafaiete – MG

From the mid-seventies to the early eighties, IPT was engaged in stability studies and sizing of slopes at the Osamu Utsumi Uranium mine in Poços de Caldas owned by Nuclebrás, which later became Urânio do Brasil.

Among the IPT professionals who were engaged there, notably mentioned are Engineer Dinis da Gama (Rocks Mechanics Consultant), Geol. Antonio Antenor Tognon, Geol. José Carlos Virgilli, Geol Jacinto Constanzo Jr.

In 1981, he was appointed to take over the work at the Osamu Utsumi mine, where he remained until the end of 1985.

The works developed at Nuclebrás were presented at ABGE congresses. However, he does not have this data to formulate a presentation.

In the mid-eighties, he was engaged in slope stability studies at the Germano Mine owned by Samarco and in stability studies and sizing of slopes at the Cana Brava Mine (asbestos) belonging to SAMA, Serra de Cana Brava – GO.

The SAMARCO studies were published at the 2nd Brazilian Mining Congress – IBRAM, São Paulo, 1989.

From 1986 onwards, he was engaged in the study and design of mining slopes, underground mines, and waste disposal.


